EP Blog


Headline – Refreshed 21A GLS Activity Performance

  • Changes to the 21A GLS replacement activity created a lot of enthusiasm amongst APs with the opportunity to revisit previously upgraded premises and replace CFLs with LED Abulbs.
  • Since coming into effect on 10th of December 2018, creation from this activity has been below expectations.
  • However, there has been steady growth over the last few weeks with a new weekly record of over 15,000 VEECs created last week.
  • Below is a chart of the number of weekly VEECs created by each residential 21 activities since week ending 20th Jan 2019. 21A is shown in red.
  • In total creation rates would suggest that 140k Abulbs have been installed since December 2018.
  • However, the actual number is likely to be much higher as APs must wait to create VEECs due the new requirement to have decommissioning receipts prior to creation.


In the week ending 31st March 2019, VEEC creation was as follows:

  • 77,773 up 35% compared to the previous week’s creation of 57,704
  • The average for the last 3 weeks is 67,962
  • Commercial Lighting contributed 45,145 (58%) compared to 26,811 (47%) the previous week
  • The VEEC spot price was $21.00 COB Friday, up $0.30 from the previous Friday.
  • The top creators in CL – Ecolightup, Wattly, & Green Energy Trading.
  • Updated 21A was up on creation with 15,454 VEECs created compared to 12,780 the week before.
  • Top 21A creators were, Energy Makeovers, EBG, & Ecovantage.



The graph below shows the overall trend of total VEECs created each week.

The graph below shows creation against targets.  The right hand axis is for the cumulative creation and cumulative target, and the left hand axis the weekly creation.  Please note, this is creation – not all VEECs created are registered.

To give you a visual breakdown of Activities for the week, please see below.