EP Blog


The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) is out for consultation on the 2018-2019 Energy Saving Scheme Rule (ESS Rule) change. Stakeholder feedback closed last Friday, 23rd August 2019. The annual review is aimed at making adjustments and improvements to the scheme. Once the changes have been discussed and consultation has concluded, amendments to the NSW ESS will be implemented in early 2020.

What is the Energy Saving Scheme (ESS)? 

The ESS is the NSW state-based energy-efficiency scheme which incentivises the adoption of smart-technology solutions to help reduce energy usage and the carbon footprint of businesses and households across Australia. Incentives are delivered in the form of Energy Saving Certificates (ESCs).

What is the Energy Savings Scheme Rule (ESS Rule)?

The Energy Savings Scheme Rule (ESS Rule) details how Energy Savings Certificates are created.

How often is the Energy Saving Scheme Rule (ESS Rule) updated?

The ESS was formed in 2009 under the NSW Electricity Supply Act 1995. Since its inception, the NSW Government has committed to updating the ESS Rule on an annual basis to meet the needs of energy consumers throughout NSW.

ClaireDayEnergy Saving Scheme (ESS) rule change is out for consultation