EP Blog


Are your customers calling you at all hours to deal with nuisance alarms? Many “faulty” alarm reports can be avoided by encouraging customers to perform basic checks and regular maintenance, such as vacuuming their smoke alarms.


We have prepared a simple troubleshooting document to help your customers identify and silence their smoke alarms when there is no fire emergency.


These helpful troubleshooting tips include:

> Why is my smoke alarm chirping?

> How extreme weather conditions can trigger an alarm.

> Insects, dust and dirt are common causes of nuisance alarms.

> Correct positioning of smoke alarms.

> Power interruptions and how they can trigger an alarm.


Many customers are unaware smoke alarms require regular maintenance to reduce the likelihood of triggered alarms and ensure effective operation in the case of a real fire emergency.


Remember, shifting customers from reactive to proactive is one of the best tips for reducing unnecessary customer call-outs.


Download our smoke alarm troubleshooting guide for your customers here



Burns Emerald PlanetHelp your customers to avoid unnecessary call-outs