EP Blog


VEU Certificate Creation Report


Creation between 29/03/2020 and 05/04/2020.




  • 275,525 certificates were created for the period between 29/03/2020 and 05/04/2020.
  • Commercial Lighting contributed 55,818 VEECs (20.26%) compared to 41,737 VEECs (33.49%) created in the previous week.
  • Updated 21A contributed 147,402 VEECs (53.50%) compared to 53,502 VEECs (42.93%) created in the previous week.
  • The VEEC price was at $37.30 up from $34.50 COB last Friday.

Target Tracking


  • The 2020 target is 6.5M with currently 6,358,531 VEECs already Registered or Created.
  • This means in total, the scheme needs to create 1,123,453 VEECs between today and the end of 2020. (39 creation weeks)
  • To achieve the 2020 target we need to average 28.8K certificates per week.
  • The Average creation for 2019 to this point has been 124.8k VEECs/week.

Please note, this is creation – not all VEECs created are registered.




Certificate Creation Breakdown


Weekly: Total Certificate Creation Pie Chart


Emerald Planet EnvironmentalWEEKLY VEU ANALYSIS WE 5TH APRIL 2020