- VEEC Spot price continues recent fall
- The VEEC spot price as of COB Friday was $16.25. This represents a 6-month low from a high of around $22 dollars in early September.
- The price has fallen $3.60 since the start of December on the back of fears of a glut of VEECs being created from the amended 21A Abulb activity. However, creation in this activity has been subdued to date. Nevertheless, the market is still acting under the assumption that this activity has the potential to quickly supply large numbers of VEECs into the market.
In the week ending 3rd February 2019, VEEC creation was as follows:
- 35,127 down 106% compared to the previous week’s creation of 72,456
- The average for the last 3 weeks is 56,805
- Commercial Lighting contributed 18,887 (54%) compared to 50,159 (80%) the previous week
- The VEEC spot price was $16.25 COB Friday, down $0.85 from the previous Friday
The graph below shows the overall trend of total VEECs created each week.