- VEEC Activity Creation Trends
- Building based lighting continues to dominate the bulk of VEEC creation each week.
- As can be seen from this graph below, building based lighting upgrades account for between 84% and 54% of total VEECs created each week.
- Recently, 21B has been the next highest contributor (<20%) followed by 21A (<10%) ignoring very low creation weeks around the Christmas break.
In the week ending 10th February 2019, VEEC creation was as follows:
- 68,244 up 94% compared to the previous week’s creation of 35,127
- The average for the last 3 weeks is 58,609
- Commercial Lighting contributed 52,971 (78%) compared to 18,887 (54%) the previous week
- The VEEC spot price was $18.00 COB Friday, up $1.75 from the previous Friday on the back of market speculation last week.
The graph below shows the overall trend of total VEECs created each week.